2 Award Winners
Application Open Date
Application Deadline
Eligible Grades
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IBAA Aviation Scholarship

Funded by
Iowa Business Aviation Association
2 Award Winners
Scholarship Open Date
Scholarship Close Date
Eligible Grades
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The aviation industry needs trained and highly skilled professionals each year. Unfortunately, the Iowa Business Aviation Association reports that it is often challenging to recruit and retain such individuals who can ensure the longevity of the aviation sector in Iowa due to high training costs. Therefore, to counter the high educational expenses, IBAA developed the IBAA Aviation Scholarship program to offer financial assistance to aspiring aviators or professionals in collegiate aviation.

Applicants are expected to be full-time students pursuing a bachelor’s or associate degree in aviation. Only students enrolled in accredited universities or colleges in Iowa are eligible to apply. By the time a candidate is making an application, they should have completed at least one academic semester in an aviation program.

Potential awardees are expected to demonstrate great passion and service to the aviation industry. The IBAA scholarship committee selects two deserving students who are then awarded $1,000 each. These funds can be used to cater to the awardees’ tuition, fees, and books.

Scholarship Summary

The aviation industry needs trained and highly skilled professionals each year. Unfortunately, the Iowa Business Aviation Association reports that it is often challenging to recruit and retain such individuals who can ensure the longevity of the aviation sector in Iowa due to high training costs. Therefore, to counter the high educational expenses, IBAA developed the IBAA Aviation Scholarship program to offer financial assistance to aspiring aviators or professionals in collegiate aviation.

Applicants are expected to be full-time students pursuing a bachelor’s or associate degree in aviation. Only students enrolled in accredited universities or colleges in Iowa are eligible to apply. By the time a candidate is making an application, they should have completed at least one academic semester in an aviation program.

Potential awardees are expected to demonstrate great passion and service to the aviation industry. The IBAA scholarship committee selects two deserving students who are then awarded $1,000 each. These funds can be used to cater to the awardees’ tuition, fees, and books.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Eligible Grade: Undergraduate
  • Maximum Age: Any
  • Required GPA: 3.0
  • Geographic Eligibility: Iowa
  • Gender: Any
  • Race/Ethnicity: Any

Key Information of IBAA Aviation Scholarship

Study Details

Area of Study

  • Aerospace
  • Aviation

Country of Study

United States

Specific Schools


Application Requirements

Here’s what you need to submit besides your application.

  • Grade transcript
  • Essay
  • Present Work Experiences
  • Recommendation letters

IBAA Aviation Scholarship Timeline

January 2025

Application Opening Date

Applications open on January 1.

March 2025

Submission Deadline

The submission deadline is on March 11.

How to ace the IBAA Aviation Scholarship


Polish your essay

Share your essay with a trusted teacher, parent, or friend for feedback before handing in your application. A fresh pair of eyes will help you catch any content or style errors that you may have missed.


Tailor your résumé

Tailor your résumé in such a manner that it aligns with the goals of the scholarship awarding body. Make sure to clearly state and highlight your previous works and accomplishments, especially in the aviation industry.


Follow instructions carefully

Ensure that you follow and meet all given instructions. For example, your essay should not be longer than the stipulated 500 words. Ensure that your application communicates that you are a person of great character who has a great passion for the aviation industry and who possesses exceptional leadership abilities. It is always best to get a second or third eye review to spot any unforeseen mistakes.


Select references carefully

When choosing a reference to write your recommendation letter, make sure to select a professor or mentor who knows you well enough to write a befitting recommendation letter.

How the IBAA Aviation Scholarship is Judged

Candidates are judged based on their academic performance, essay responses, resume, letters of recommendation, and financial need.

Why We Love the IBAA Aviation Scholarship


Targets students with unmet financial needs

The IBAA Aviation Scholarship provides financial assistance to undergraduates who perform well in school and wish to pursue careers in aviation but lack financial capability.


Simple application process

The scholarship application requires you to submit a relatively short essay with a 500-word limit.


Opportunity to join the IBAA community

Scholars get a chance to join the IBAA community where they can interact and build connections with renowned aviation industry professionals.

5 Facts About IBAA Aviation Scholarship


IBAA partners with universities

IBAA has partnered with Indian Hills Community College, University of Dubuque, Iowa Western Community College, and Iowa Lakes Community College to provide scholarship and mentorship opportunities to students.


The scholarship offers mentorship programs

The program offers students mentorship from industry professionals and their first point of contact within the aviation industry.


There is no racial discrimination

Students of any race or ethnicity are eligible to apply as long as they live in the United States and they meet the eligibility criteria.


IBAA membership has a variety of professionals

IBAA membership consists of a variety of people and groups including airports, Corporate Flight Departments, Aviation Service Providers, student pilots, mechanics, aviation enthusiasts, and individual aircraft owners.


The public can support IBAA’s fund

If anyone would like to contribute to the IBAA Aviation Scholarship fund through donations, they can do so by clicking on the link provided on their official website.