100 Award Winners
Application Open Date
Application Deadline
Eligible Grades
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Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers

Funded by
Raise Your Hand Texas
100 Award Winners
Scholarship Open Date
Scholarship Close Date
Eligible Grades
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The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers is a part of the Raising Texas Teachers initiative designed to support promising students to consider a future in the teaching profession.

The scholarship offers a reward of between $8,000 and $10,000 for up to four years in annual funding, as well as mentorship from sitting public school educators, and professional development opportunities.

The scholarship, which is sponsored by the Raise Your Hand Texas foundation, awards up to 100 students interested in a teaching career. The organization supports public policy solutions that invest in students, encourage innovation and autonomy, and improve college and workforce readiness.

Scholarship Summary

The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers is a part of the Raising Texas Teachers initiative designed to support promising students to consider a future in the teaching profession.

The scholarship offers a reward of between $8,000 and $10,000 for up to four years in annual funding, as well as mentorship from sitting public school educators, and professional development opportunities.

The scholarship, which is sponsored by the Raise Your Hand Texas foundation, awards up to 100 students interested in a teaching career. The organization supports public policy solutions that invest in students, encourage innovation and autonomy, and improve college and workforce readiness.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Eligible Grade: Undergraduate
  • Maximum Age: Any
  • Required GPA: Any
  • Geographic Eligibility: Any
  • Gender: Any
  • Race/Ethnicity: Any

Key Information of Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers

Study Details

Area of Study

  • Education
  • Teaching

Country of Study

United States

Specific Schools

  • Our Lady of the Lake University
  • Rice University
  • Sam Houston State University
  • Southern Methodist University
  • Texas A&M University
  • Texas Tech University
  • Trinity University
  • UT Austin College of Education
  • University of Houston
  • University of North Texas, Dallas
  • University of Texas at El Paso
  • UT-Rio Grande Valley
  • UT Austin UTeach Natural Sciences

Application Requirements

Here’s what you need to submit besides your application.

  • Grade transcript
  • Recommendation letters

Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers Timeline

October 2024

Application Opening Date

Applications open on October 1.

April 2025

Submission Deadline

The submission deadline is on April 16.

May 2025

Awards Announcement Date

Winners are usually announced in May.

How to ace the Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers


Show a strong commitment to teaching

You must be committed to teaching in a majority-economically disadvantaged school.


Enroll in a teacher preparation program

Before applying, ensure you are currently in or plan to enter an eligible teacher preparation program at a Raising Texas Teachers partner university.


Stand out with some personal skills

Being a highly competitive scholarship, having personal skills such as written communication, oral communication, collaboration, leadership, altruism, persistence and continuous learning, passion for education, belief in the power of teaching, and academic achievement will make you stand out from the crowd.


Show dedication to teaching in a public school

Be committed to teaching in a shortage subject area in a Texas public school i.e in a school, where more than 50% of students are eligible for reduced or free lunch, or as a math, science, bilingual, or special education teacher.

How the Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers is Judged

Judges will be looking out for applicants with exceptional abilities in written communication, oral communication, collaboration, leadership, altruism, persistence and continuous learning, passion for education, belief in the power of teaching, and academic achievement.

Why We Love the Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers


It is all about the greater good

Winners of this scholarship will give back to the community by developing a teaching career where it is most needed, in disadvantaged communities in the Texas public school system.


Scholarship is for aspiring teachers

The Charles Butt Scholarship for aspiring students is a component of the Raising Texas Teachers initiative designed to support promising students to consider a future in the teaching profession.


It's an opportunity to attend Leadership Symposium

Invitation and funds to attend the annual Raise Your Hand Texas Leadership Symposium.

5 Facts About Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers


A program for students passionate about teaching

The Charles Butt Scholarship is for students who demonstrate a strong commitment to a teaching career in a majority economically disadvantaged school or a shortage subject area.


Scholarship offers a lot of benefits

Besides the annual funding, scholars receive mentorship from sitting public school educators, professional development opportunities, and participation in a statewide, aspiring teachers network facilitated by Raise Your Hand Texas.


About 100 new scholarships are awarded

The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers approximately awards 100 new scholarships through 13 eligible universities and partner programs, with the cohort growing to include 500 scholars annually


The scholarship selection process is highly competitive

The competitive selection process includes an application, pre-screening by university teams, and a daylong event consisting of a group activity, a mock teaching lesson, and a panel interview.


The scholarship pairs scholars to mentors

Mentorship from a local educator or principal as well as professional support as they near graduation.