Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship
Society of Health and Physical Educators
SHAPE, established in 1885 and headquartered in Reston, Virginia, is one of the oldest organizations in the United States to educate the nation on the benefits of children living a healthy and physically active life. Barbara Cooley is a Board Member of this prestigious organization.
SHAPE America conducts and promotes many programs such as the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, Let’s Move! Active Schools and the Jump Rope For Heart/Hoops For Heart. The organization has been helping and motivating future physical education teachers by awarding Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship.
SHAPE America is credited for its continuous effort to make the United States of America a nation where all children are encouraged to be healthy and are able to lead physically active lives. To go ahead with the mission they have understood the necessity of training and educating the future teachers/trainers of schools.
Scholarship Summary
SHAPE, established in 1885 and headquartered in Reston, Virginia, is one of the oldest organizations in the United States to educate the nation on the benefits of children living a healthy and physically active life. Barbara Cooley is a Board Member of this prestigious organization.
SHAPE America conducts and promotes many programs such as the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, Let’s Move! Active Schools and the Jump Rope For Heart/Hoops For Heart. The organization has been helping and motivating future physical education teachers by awarding Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship.
SHAPE America is credited for its continuous effort to make the United States of America a nation where all children are encouraged to be healthy and are able to lead physically active lives. To go ahead with the mission they have understood the necessity of training and educating the future teachers/trainers of schools.
Eligibility Requirements
- Eligible Grade: Graduate – Postgraduate
- Maximum Age: Any
- Required GPA: 3.0
- Geographic Eligibility: United States
- Gender: Any
- Race/Ethnicity: Any
Key Information of Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship
Study Details
Area of Study
Country of Study
United States
Specific Schools
Application Requirements
Here’s what you need to submit besides your application.
- Grade transcript
- Recommendation letters
- Essay
Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship Timeline
January 19
Application Open Date
Applications open around mid-January, each year.
October 15
Application Deadline
The last date of submission for entry is mid-October.
How to ace the Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship
Mention the level of involvement with community
The applicants for this competitive scholarship need to highlight their passion and interest in the field of physical education. One of the ways to show one's keenness is to mention the level of involvement in the community programs and the professional events.
Highlight your academic credentials
The applicant should prove their strong academic credentials for being noticed. As the scholarship is meant for future physical educators and trainers, making academic brilliance the focal point in your curriculum vitae will give you the cutting edge.
Review your submission documents
The competition receives many applications so to stand out show your professionalism by reviewing your application for typos, spelling, and grammar mistakes. Following the instructions for font size, spacing, and so on will help.
Researching on new developments
Researching articles on health education and fitness, including SHAPE America journals, will help to strengthen your opinions and analysis. The arguments in your essay will be more objective and focused to create an impression in the minds of the judges
How the Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship is Judged
The application is judged on the basis of your transcripts, resume, recommendation letters, and essay. The eminent educators and professionals in the field of Physical Education, Health, and Fitness review the submissions carefully before finally declaring the winner.
Why We Love the Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship
Appreciation for improving the health of children
SHAPE America’s role and all-out efforts to improve the physical and emotional health of the children in the United States are indispensable. It is a great step to help the schools in America.
Low membership cost per annum
The organization SHAPE America offers membership to access the resources at a very marginal cost ranging upward from as low as $59 per annum.
No entry fees
There is no application fee for this nationally recognized contest.
5 Facts About the Barbara A. Cooley Master’s Scholarship
Document formatting requirements
The application to this contest must include an essay typed in font size 12, with double spacing. The maximum length of the essay is 3 pages and the subtitles to your essay should read as Philosophy, Professional Goals, and Issues.
Contribution to developing national policies
SHAPE America the organizers of this competition is credited to implement two national education policies in the United States, the National Standards for K-12 Physical Education and National Health Education Standards.
Minimum academic requirements
A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required to be eligible.
Introduction of health.moves.minds. program
SHAPE America has introduced the above program free for school children in the United States of America to help them develop a strong body and mind.
Letters of recommendation
Two letters from your subject professor or advisor are needed stating the candidate's leadership potential, academic strengths and career commitment are prerequisites for this scholarship application.